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Photgraphy: Graeme Braidwood



British Values, PSHE, Safeguarding, Literacy.

Transition: Primary to Secondary

Age Group: 8-13 (KS2 & KS3)

Split Second is a participatory performance which will explore the causes and consequences of knife crime.


The programme explores the story of two young people and how a split-second decision to carry a knife has an impact on their lives. The children are asked to comment on the decisions the characters have made, offer advice and investigate how and why some young people feel the need to carry knives.



Addresses requirements of Key Stage 2/3 curriculum:

  • Speaking, Listening & Language development.

  • Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development.

  • Personal & Emotional Growth. 


Outcomes /Children will: 

  • Challenge attitudes towards carrying knives and other weapons.

  • Identify choices and consequences with regard to carrying knives.

  • Practice strategies to resist peer influence and resolve conflict.



“A brilliant and effective workshop that helped the children think about the serious consequences of their actions. It  explored the difficult topic of knife crime in a way where children understood the impact without it being graphic.”

Yr. 6 Teacher, Wardend Primary School


To book or Enquire 


"It showed me a bigger

view of the world and what not to do."

Year 5 pupil

Touring: Spring  
Runtime: 90 Minutes 
Audience Capacity: Maximum 35 students per workshop

Requirements: School Hall or Large Cleared Classroom 


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