Science: Earth & Space, Forces; History, Literacy
Age Group: 8-11
Addresses requirements of Key Stage 2 Curriculum:
Understand movements of the earth and other planets in relation to the sun.
Understand movement of the Moon relative to the earth.
Understand the Earth’s rotation and how we get day and night
Stargazing is an interactive science workshop where children go back in time to meet the famous astronomer Galileo Galilei, explore his discoveries and defend his theories at the Court of the Inquisition.
The children are taken back in time as guests of Galileo at his house in Florence on the night before his arrest for Heresy. They investigate Galileo’s theories by recreating some of his most famous experiments regarding the solar system, day and night and gravity. Later in the workshop they must defend his astronomical discoveries in court in order to save his life.
Children will:
Take part in scientific tests and experiments.
Deepen their scientific knowledge of the earth and solar system.
Justify ideas and explain their findings.
Find out how scientific discoveries develop and are sometimes controversial.
“Pitched in a challenging and engaging way. Practical and thought provoking, helped to consolidate and strengthen learning. A brilliant session which brought some very challenging concepts to life in an inspirational way.”
Year 5 Teacher, Lyndon Green Junior School
Access a comprehensive resource pack with follow-up activities which allow you to expand on learning from the workshop after our visit below.
To book, or if you'd like to know more, email us by clicking "Get in Touch".
Touring: All Three Terms
Runtime: 90 Minutes
Audience Capacity: Maximum 35 students per workshop
Requirements: School Hall or Large Cleared Classroom